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29 September 2009

Have I introduced you to...?

So here I am, newly unemployed. Times are tough out there, and when I finished my training contract (just like in firms up and down the country) there wasn’t any room at the inn. There was however, room for my fellow trainee, in the department I always anchored my preference for and in which fellow trainee hadn’t contemplated before it became obvious that if there was to be any vacancy, it would be there.

The best trainee won? Maybe. But I don’t think its entirely irrelevant that fellow trainee’s father is also a partner at my training firm. Bitter? Maybe a little, even if it is understandable in the current economic climate.

But is it? Is it ok for nepotism to exist in a larger than high street law firm when faced with two, equally qualified and competent candidates? Part of me thinks it is even if it is contrary to my personal interests.

Hugely successful businesses have been built on familial connections and I think clients like it. In fact, one can even extend the definition (if I may be so bold as to rewrite the dictionary), to giving a leg up to friends, or family of friends. Isn’t it what we all do? Isn’t it the point of networking? Most of us wouldn’t think twice using personal contacts, or shmoosing about a common interest to open doors – and it is what networking sites like LinkedIn are all about.

Research by Transparancy International (discussed in an article in the FT found here at http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/eefda9de-a84d-11de-9242-00144feabdc0.html) suggests it is one of the reasons for corporate corruption. I wouldn't go that far. I mean, wouldn’t a person with a familial tie want the family business to be a success? Wouldn’t a person who got his/her job at a friend of his father’s accountancy firm want to prove that he/she deserved the role, by working harder than may be necessary? Although the latter suggests that someone else would not be so hardworking. If such an accusation was to be pointed in my direction, I would be mightily offended, since I’m annoyingly conscientious and need to know that I have earned every penny I am (or rather was) paid.

The fashionable and wider issue, is the effect nepotism has on the diversity of the legal profession. I was going to quote some wonderfully wise words from the Master of the Rolls, but came across a rather entertaining examination of the class ceiling which appears to exist in the legal field, written by student Aryan Sharahi and edited and produced by ThePurpleRobot found here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ua8MiMpak98 .

Times are tough out there, so whatever gives us the edge is fair play, and I value loyalty to family and friends. Would I have an issue with nepotism if my uncle Bob was the owner of Uncle Bob LLP, or my father golfed with the Chief Exec of Commercial Ltd? I’m not sure. What I can be certain of, is that from the moment I began my (self funded) studies, to getting and completing my training contract, it was achieved with my personal charm (yep, even the checkout job at Tesco) and qualifications (ditto the Tesco job). Granted, this gives me an enormous sense of self satisfaction, but there is a problem. One can’t live (financially, emotionally and professionally) on self satisfaction alone.

This is also my guest blog post for the wonderfully brilliant legal blog by Charon QC http://charonqc.wordpress.com/

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