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07 January 2010

Reputation is EVERYTHING

I can't help it. Its in my blood. An act of courtesy costs nothing, and if you forget your manners, I'm going to make a judgment about you.

Yes, I'm talking to you Ms Recruitment Consultant. As for the rest of you, I did tell you guys that I had an interview last year which would have involved me relocating to the South West didn't I?

Well that happened in around October. Did I want to relocate to the South West? Of course not. Did I want a job? You bet. Did I ever hear whether I was successful in the role...

Ah yes, Ms Recruitment Consultant, you forgot something.

Ok, so I could have chased as it was in my interests to find out the result. The fact was that by that time, I had had it up to here (that's a really high "here") with RCs, and I decided that I would not be actively using them to find me work. There was that, and the fact that I didn't want to move.

I think I can safely assume that I didn't get it.

But today, in my inbox, I receive an email from Ms Recruitment Consultant. She tells me that there's an opening and she'll let me know whether I am going to be interviewed. Do I want to get in touch? Not really. Do I want to tell her about her "oversight"? Oh yes. Will I?

Well somewhere over the last year I seem to have lost a bit of the personality I was so fond of in my younger days, when I was an opinionated spark, and shared my view with anyone who listened because I thought they cared
. What happened to me?

Out of courtesy, I will email, and inform her that I have some temp work and wont be requiring her assistance for the time being, but thank her profusely for her continued attention. There is little point in burning bridges is there?

1 comment:

  1. Recruitment agencies/consultants are scum of the earth - I learnt that the hard way. :-(

    Oh, and the South West isn't all bad! :p
